Thursday, February 28, 2008


It is almost March and it finally feels like winter!
Athan had a two hour delay this morning so we got outside and enjoyed it for a little while.
Snowballs - Sledding - Snow Angels - YEAH!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The address is

Try again!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Real Love

My dad sent me an 'Irish Blessing' this week. He got it off of Maybe some of you know about it.
Not only were the pictures and music beautiful, so was the message. The message expressed that a perfect life is not what he wished for me, but strength and hope. He wished for me good friends...Well, just check it out for yourself.
I would have posted it but it was to big, I think.
Have a great week!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Pictures of the Week

Bakers, bake me a 'brownies' as fast as you can - Athan made a baker's hat and apron at school and then comes home and makes his brother the same.
Aaahhh, how cute are they?!

First loose tooth! He is so excited that he is telling EVERYONE. I'm sure I'll post more about this later :)
Some horrible side pics of the birds that we are enjoying outside the kitchen window.
Does your neck hurt yet?? Do your eyes hurt??
What is left of the King Cake that my dad sent us for Fat Tuesday. It WAS really good. Thanks, Dad!!

Well, there was a peek of some of our week.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Positives outweighing the Negatives

Some of my favorite things about this weekend. Not that this is some "special" weekend, I just happen to be pondering some things I liked about it. . . .

Watching my boys hug each other and telling the other 'I love you,'

Enjoying all the birds who have discovered my new bird feeder that is suctioned to my kitchen window,

Watching my boys enjoy the birds and feeding them with the - pine cone, peanut butter, bird seed thingy,

Seeing Athan try to remember the verse - 'Trust in the Lord...,'

Being able to leave my boys with a babysitter both friday and saturday and them really having a good time,

Alf and I going out to two diff. events and having a good time:)

Listening to Athan READ!

Playing the memory game with Aiden - ALOT!

Being able to avoid many traffic lights by taking back roads which shortened my errand run,

Enjoying some really good food this weekend

Really enjoying church today and looking forward to that day with Him!

For humor sake, things I did not like about this weekend. . . .

The mess my boys make of this house (they turned the couch into a pirate ship),

Feeling like a PIG for eating so much good food,

OK - I can't think of any more.

I will go now.
