Monday, December 26, 2011
The Big Day
Throughout the morning I looked outside and saw rain coming down in sheets. I stressed over what we would do, and stressed over all who were driving in from Slidell, Baton Rouge, Mandeville, Covington, etc.
The service was beautiful, and it was time to go to the burial. I climbed in the van, turned toward the back to talk to the boys and I saw behind us a beautiful rainbow in the sky. A rainbow! THEN we drive off and the skies had cleared up!! It was windy and chilly, but very few raindrops. In fact, the sun even peeked out a little while standing outside!!! We were blessed with the 20% and He even threw in a rainbow :) It was so awesome, absolutely awesome! God is awesome!
Experiencing the death of my dad has reminded me that I am NOT the writer of this script:) Sure, there are days that I wish I could write the script. And there are other days when I think, "I could not write the script any better.'
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him lack nothing. -- Psalm 34:7-9
Thanks to all of you (both near and far) for your love and support at this time. Hoping it is a beautiful Christmas for everyone!
Friday, December 23, 2011
A Time to Say Goodbye

Dear family and friends,
Sunday morning, December 18th, Alf and I got a call that my dad was on the floor of a grocery store unconscious. We got to the emergency room and shortly thereafter, were told that they had tried for nearly an hour to resuscitate him, but he was dead. Having had a triple bypass only two years ago, this was not supposed to happen so soon.
He was 77, so we are grateful for the long life that he did have, but you're never ready for something like this. We are trusting in God, knowing he is good, and we are thrilled to serve a God where we can confidently say that he is in heaven....maybe even dancing with my mom :).
We would appreciate your continued prayer as we work through all the emotions that take place when something like this happens so suddenly.
We have made plans for the funeral to be on Thursday, December 22nd at Lake Lawn in Metairie (right off the interstate). Visitation will start at 10 and a service will take place at 12. If you are able to, we would enjoy having you. We desire for the time to be a celebration of his life, not simply a mourning of his death.
Thank you -
Sunday, December 18, 2011
And I look at God and think, 'WOW! you have called me to do this??!! Can I?'
There is a side of me that wants to run and give up. Take the 'easier' route. There is another side of me that wants to be all in. There is excitement, anticipation, hope....but I'm scared.
I wrestle with God - how do I push him? What does he know? Where does he desire you to take him? Am I doing enough? Am I doing to much? Am I going to screw up? Is he going to give up?
I ask the man, with hesitation and strength from God (and ready for rejection), if he would want to do breakfast with my husband and I. He was quick to say yes and said that it sounded great!
I ask God, are you really going to give me words to say what he needs to hear? How much am I going to hear of this guys life this morning? Is it going to be enough for me? Am I going to be ok with where this goes? I cry out, HELP me not to make this about me and my personal gain! Help me to make it all about you. It is all about you and your glory.
A couple years ago, as we were beginning this journey back home, I memorized the verse -Psalm 40: 1-3. At the end of verse three it says, ' many will see and fear and put there trust in the Lord.' I was eager to see who those many were. And how I would get to play a part in that.
I just need to trust.
TRUST. (sigh) TRUST.
Not walk away in fear that it wont go the way I want it to go.
Walk forward in faith and courage and in Spirit.....and then watch what the Lord does.
And my loving Saviour reminds me what its all about.....its all about HIM.
Being put in a place that is requiring me to trust HIM so, has made me draw nearer to Him and want to get to know Him more. Why trust you?? Who are you, really??
I think yesterday on a walk how we only have a glimpse of who God is, but that glimpse is enough to want to bow down and worship.
I read in A.Voskamps blog this - We may not know the outcome but we tenaciously believe that in Him we overcome - because Love comes down.
What a privilege it is......I have to go get ready for a breakfast now:)