Tuesday, March 31, 2009

House For Sale

Thats right Folks! Step right up. Come one, come all. Who would'nt want such a lovely home in the mountains of Tennessee?? Big yard, big garage, new roof, new a/c unit, 3 bed/21/2 bath, etc. Who will start the bidding?!
We have truly enjoyed our home in the mountains of Tennessee. We are grateful for the 6+years that we have lived here. God has challenged and stretched us, he has put people in our life that have touched us deeply, but it is time to move on.
What better people to minister to New Orleans then true New Orleanians, right? And what better way to minister then with longtime, dear, godly friends - the Daspits.
Like I said, we are grateful for our time here. God has shown Alf some gifts he didnt know he had and Alf has learned over the years how God has wired him. He has been searching for other ministry opportunities for some time and nothing ever felt right. We said we would NEVER move back to New Orleans but God has changed our hearts and shown us otherwise. We dont look at the place so much as a customer anymore but as a mission. I think it is beautiful on the flip side that God has been teaching Doug so much about himself and how he is wired. And now together, they have an opportunity to start something that we anticipate will give God the glory, touching people lives with the gospel.
Where I stand right now?? The process of selling a house, having to say good-bye, blah, blah really sucks - theres honesty for you! BUT, I do feel God's grace on me. He knows my needs and what I can and cannot handle. He knows the time I need to grieve what I will be leaving and the time needed to prepare for what is to come. As much as I am sad, I am also excited. I look forward to what God has for us and what he will show us. My faith and trust and hope in Him will grow stronger. I will abide in HIM!
I covet your prayers for us and the Daspits at this time. Thank you!


care-in said...

So excited for you guys...can't wait to see how the Lord will use all of you. What a fun adventure.

Missy said...

Wow thats some big changes coming your way!
What an exciting time for you all as you look forward to furthering the Gospel.

Daphne said...

I am praying for you girl, I know it will be hard to leave all the friends you have made. But you have awesome memories. Now you can look forward to your friends coming to visit you in New Orleans. Moving is HARD but it is well worth it when you are in God's will. I will be praying for stregth wisdom and courage for you guys.
Love ya

Michelle said...

Aww, I love this...
"My faith and trust and hope in Him will grow stronger. I will abide in HIM!"
I am excited for you guys Allison! And it is easy to picture you and the Daspits working together :)