Monday, October 29, 2007

Check this out!!

Kids are HILARIOUS!!
Sunday, I was going to be telling a story at a church gathering in the evening. Well, after church I told the kids to give me some time to myself to practice (Alf was still at church.) As I was practicing, Athan comes in the room and says...
'I need to tell you something momma, I put Aiden down for a nap all by myself. I read him two stories and he is fine. I thought that I would give you a break'
I smiled and told him thank you, wondering if Aiden would actually sleep or not and enjoying the fact the my oldest thrives on responsibility!!
Aiden fell asleep alright - in a mega blocks tub!
See for your self...


-C said...

Doug and I agree that it's hilarious! Only a Nelson kid would do something like that. We love it!
How did the presentation go?

Graced said...

That is way too funny!

Daphne said...

That is hilarious!
Yay for Athen. Mine always keep each other awake. How long did he sleep?

BTW I want to be like you. hee hee!!

allison said...

Sleeping like THAT - the nap was short!

Abbey said...

THat is so stinkin' funny! I love it!

What a sweet big brother.

Michelle said...

HA!! That is awesome girl!!! I love it.