Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where I live...

Our street sign. . . something we pass everyday and don't ever think about.

I've not lived on that many streets in my life. I grew up in just one house in New Orleans - college in B'ham (dorm) - Seminary years in Dallas (couple apts.) - and now I am on

Antioch Road.

The street where Alf and I purchased our first house almost six years ago. It is a street I love. It is in an area of the city that makes you feel a bit in the country. I am officially in the city but pass a field of horses if I go one way down my street and pass a field of cows and tobacco farming down the other way. (But only fifteen minutes away from the mall, Starbucks, Target, etc)

Antioch Road is a very long street. As I said, It has several large fields, there are three churches on it and a Muslim masque on the way. It has a couple of apartment complexes, an entrance to a park, and a such a diverse group of houses. The wealthy and the poor live on this street. And some who are in the middle :-)

As time has passed over the years that we have lived on Antioch, I feel I have made roots. A side of me feels like I could raise my kids in this house all through their school life but the other side of me is feeling like that might not happen. I don't know what the Lord will have us do.

'Should I stay or should I go'

The Lord has blessed us with GREAT neighbors . . . on Antioch and across the creek in the back. Some of those neighbors are like family. Some are medically prepared for any trauma our boys might face! Some lean on us to provide their kids a place to hang out. Some I can rely on to help with all the fund-raisers the school throws at us b/c they have "been there, done that."

Great neighbors on Antioch Road!

So there is my street . . . not a street my kids can play on and certainly not a street I let the kids cross by themselves. But it has worked for us.

Thank you Lord!

(I got this idea on overlooked blog - it was fun - come on and try it - I dare ya)

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Tis the season for football.

Going to college in Birmingham, we had to make the decision - Alabama or Auburn. Me, not being much of a sports fanatic, chose Alabama because I like their colors better:) Alf has reasons for picking Alabama that he can explain on his blog one day. (Im thinking of James and Jennifer, their going to be so disappointed in this post, but not surprised)

So, Aiden's preschool this week has informed parents to feel free to dress their kids in football team attire on Thursday. We-e-ell, that totally gives Alf a chance to have his kid represent. When I dropped Aiden off this morning, he did the 'roll tide' so well. There was almost a tear in my eye - not really.

-sorry these pictures are not the great-

We had to actually go the the mall last night to get these hats. The boys both had fun picking out the ones they wanted. Mom and Dad got T-hirts b/c we were given tickets to see Tenn play Bama in Knoxville at the end of Oct! :) (I'll show picts of that later)

We started our mall adventure at Dicks sporting goods. And Dicks rocks for two little boys. We putted the green, ran around the track in the shoe area, we pretended to be boxers and punched punching bags, and we shot some hoops. Good times were had. As excited as they were, all I could think about was - they dont get out much.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

You Belong in 1967

You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Firecracker, Firecracker, Boom-Boom-Boom

So I was a cheerleader back in the day, so what?!

I actually thought it would be fun to show Athan what I looked like when I was in first grade. After school yesterday, I busted out all of my old yearbooks. (I have every year! Yeah me!) Athan was certainly intrigued. But what interested him more then the first grade was high school.

He saw that mom was a cheerleader! He asked if I was the best at cheer leading, and I was quick to tell him that it was just for fun (and fun we had:)) He assumed I had more friends then him, and again I was quick to remind him of all the friends HE has. He wanted to know what other things I did. The list was not very long and he found out that mom is not much of a competitor. Anything I ever did was just all for fun!

Just a side note:
It is funny to me how much more I push myself now as an adult when I am working out - is it maturity or working out stress in my life?

Anywhoo! That evening after looking at pictures, pictures, pictures...we were on the floor playing with Legos (playing on the floor with my children - something I don't do nearly enough.) We have one lego head that has a girl face, so that is who I play with. I gave her an outfit and Athan surprised me with something for my person...


Friday, September 5, 2008

Official Rednecks

You might be a redneck if...I believe it is official. Rednecks, THEY are. I refuse to be included in this craziness. You tell Athan, 'Dupont', and he can tell you the driver-number-etc. He enjoyed his first race with dad. Said it was loud! He did not even fall asleep till the drive home. Athans favorite driver is #88 today, it might change tomorrow.
(This race was a couple of weeks ago, but thought yall might enjoy seeing this!)

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Shack

I really enjoyed this part of the book today....

"...Just b/c you make horrendous and destructive choices does not mean you deserve less respect for what you inherently are-the pinnacle of my Creation and the center of my affection."

" purposes are not for my comfort, or yours. My purposes are always and only an expression of love. I purpose to work life out of death, to bring freedom out of brokenness and turn darkness into light. What you see as chaos, I see as a fractal."

Faith never knows where it is being led, But it knows and loves the One who is leading. - Oswald Chambers

My love and faith are growing deeper. I still have far to go - but receive JOY knowing that He cares for me and that He has got it all under control