Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Athan and His List

On our way home from basketball practice, we were having a 'lovey dovey' conversation about who loves who. As I was talking to Aiden about who all loves him, Athan decides to tell us (in order) who he loves. I think to myself, this will be interesting!
1. God
2. Jesus
3. Aiden
4. Dad
5. Mom!
6. cousins
7. Aunt
8. Uncle
9. Paw - Paw
Well, I have to say that I was not disappointed with 1-3, being that my two biggest prayers for my boys is to love and serve God and that the boys would have a close bond. BUT, I make five and dad makes four! What is up with that? Im am so over it:)
By the way, sorry paw-paw. It does not make sense since you are the one that shows love to them more then any family member - lol - sooooooo funny!

1 comment:

Renee said...

What a great list! The good thing is that I'm sure they know you love them more than life so that means they know that #1-4 loves them even more than that!