Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A thankful heart is a happy heart

A thankful heart is a happy heart.
I think of this statement alot. The statement comes from the veggietale show about madam blueberry at the stuff mart. Not only can we apply this to the times that we feel we need stuff, it can also apply to life in general.
I am thankful. I want to remain thankful to God who loves me and knows what is best for me. He is a good God. He blesses me with His omnipresence, with His word, with family and friends, etc. If I have my focus on these things then I am happy (at peace.)
I want to be thankful through the good and the bad. I think about those that are losing their jobs, those that have children suffering with medical issues, and my own personal worries about my nephew who is making very poor choices.
I lift the One who has ultimate control and I place my faith and trust in Him.
I am thankful...and 'happy'

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