Friday, February 6, 2009

News, News, News

I cant get out!!!!
I wake up yesterday and look outside to see that snow had fallen since I could not see my driveway or the street (very similar to the way it looked the day before - with the result of school being closed for the day.) I was apprehensive to school being closed again since it was going to get up in the thirties vs. staying in the teens. You would think we would have at least a two hour delay - Oh, but noooooooooooo! As I was watching the news in hopes of seeing a two hour delay, the high school bus drove by, I thought 'you have got to be kidding me!'
I normally carpool with our neighbors...neighbors that do not have a long steep driveway but a rather short flat driveway. I called to tell them not to try and come down my driveway that to go ahead and I would try to take Athan to school myself.
We are in the van - pulling out of the garage - trying - no go! I remembered how a couple of weeks ago Alf attempted the same thing and used IceMelt to get out. I tried to relive the moment. I sprinkled IceMelt - got back in the car - trying again - no go! Then....
I look out my rear view mirror and there he was, my neighbor posse! Having jumped a creek and crossed two yards in the snow, he put Athan on his back and walked back to his van to take my child to school for me. Gotta love em'
I'm always thankful for my neighbor/friends. I feel that I have some of the best in the world. Yesterday I was bubbling over with gratitude!
My dad has red eyes and is 14 yrs. old, what??!!
My sweet four year old filled out something at church regarding his dad, you know the kind -
My dad has blank hair, etc. Well, he told the teacher that Alf had red eyes and that he was 14 yrs. old. He was pretty accurate when he told the teacher that Alf had brown hair and that he likes to drink coffee. When we questioned him about the red eyes, his response was 'yeah', like 'duh.' Then we questioned him about the age.
Let me go back in time, if you will. Alf's b'day was in December and our good neighbor, you know the one (read the first section), came by on Alf's b'day this year with a little b'day jingle he made up for Alf. It went to the song from the movie Aristocats - TaRaRaBoomDeeYay....
After questioning Aiden he began to sing - TaRaRaBoomDeeYay your fourteen today. LOL! It is - your thirty four today. Well, he got the four right but just took away about twenty years of Alf's life. What a fun child!
A sweet letter that I will keep forever.
My oldest son was being tucked in bed by the babysitter for the second night in a row and expressed that he missed me. While the babysitter was reading to my youngest, my oldest decided to write a letter to Alf and I. (I will keep this forever)
Good night mom and dad. I had a lot of fun. We tide football. We finisht kung fu panda. We statd on Monday and we finisht today. Aiden and Jessica reded why I did this (heart) Love, Athan.
So he has to work on his spelling a little - He is only in the first grade:) What a sweet and tender child!
I have squeezed EVERY drop of toothpaste out of the tube and will be going to get a new tube of toothpaste today. To get more out, I would have to cut it open!
I am hoping we can fix our vacuum cleaner so that I can stop borrowing from our fabulous neighbors (you know the ones.) And I better not get a new one for my b'day or Alf will be going in the dog house and will eat quiche and drink chai lattes every night (have you seen the youtube?!)
Being 'trapped' in your house on a snow day when the high is only 10 degrees allows you to organize and document home videos. The children loved watching themselves all day - so much that my youngest wants to be three again b/c it is a lot more fun. Love me some organization!
I am so blessed and...
I really have to get
Peace out!


Renee said...

Fun post. Sounds like you have GREAT neighbors. I'm so happy to be away from the snow and bitter cold. I know some people like it but NOT me.

BTW, with that "News, News, News" title I thought you'd be announcing that you were pregnant or something!

Amanda said...

What a fun post! I miss those wonderful "BeachHood" neighbors! They really are the best around! I wish you could send me some of that snow.